Just when I think my career has reached it’s peak it surprises me over and over again with new adventures and more fun and fantastic love stories.
Although this has been a celebration that I have been looking forward to for a long time as Nansi and James have certainly been a rollercoaster ride with their wedding plans since they booked.

A house move, beautiful twin girls, multiple date switches and a decision to move the celebrations abroad later and I was finally on my way to Florence, Tuscany for the destination wedding of dreams!

Having known Nansi’s family already from photographing her brothers wedding back in 2018 and getting to know her on a whole other level through her magical yoga retreats, I was confident this was going to be a wonderful day to remember.

With my fellow photographer and life partner James we joined the girls at their apartment for some prep shots and for Nansi and Groom James to have a first look moment with the landscape of Florence behind them.

From there we took a taxi to one of the many iconic viewpoints of the city, where onlookers enjoyed seeing the dolled up pair being photographed amongst the hustle and bustle you can only imagine a Saturday golden hour hotspot brings with it. Locals were keen to be involved and congratulated them with well wishes, but there was more beauty to see!

With the sun setting fast and a drive ahead of us to the evening venue we quickly moved through the crowds to hit a couple of side street spots and busy roads alongside the river. I could have easily spent the entire afternoon wandering this dreamy place but the chianti was calling and the most incredible 5 course meal awaited us all!

Guests were gathered waiting at ristorante Lo Strettoio, a perfectly Tuscan location with a terrace overlooking the glittering lights of the city. A short symbolic ceremony commenced, orchestrated so wonderfully by a family friend. Nansi and James spoke vows to one another and some tears spluttered out through pockets of sentiment and laughter, truly lovely!

A relaxed gathering followed for the remainder of the evening, a long table with the happy couple centred surrounded by their chosen loved ones and of course their utterly wonderful twin daughters perched on their laps. The most unreal Italian food poured in which will put anything else I eat at weddings (or anywhere really…) from now on to shame. Speeches were given and the room was full of hearty laughter and the evening concluded with a traditional Florentine cake and everyone indulging in limoncello and wine!

The whole day went by in a flash; the city chaos, the beauty of the scenery overloading the senses and the warming, delicious atmosphere…it all felt like a wonderful dream! But luckily for everyone, me and James have captured the celebrations in our photos so that we can all forever remember this amazing day.

Thank you so much Nansi and James for inviting us to capture your wedding!