September 19, 2019

Georgian Quarter Engagement Shoot

I feel as if I have been waiting for this shoot all of 2019, so much have I been looking forward to finally meeting them in person and what a way to kick off the countdown to their wedding next year than with a pre-wedding shoot in the city they are getting married! Living nearby Liverpools gorgeous Georgian Quarter my head was full of ideas and inspiration as I quite literally pass these little spots of photo opportunities all of the time, so yesterday I most definitely like I had so much energy I was bursting! Of course we walked and talked to the baltic triangle too and captured a few of the well known street art icons because why the hell not!

Could have quite easily spent all afternoon with Laura & Carter, Im looking forward to seeing them again already. They are both just so overflowing with good vibes and positivity and they completely adore one another, that much was clear as the shoot was just so easy. Relaxing right into the cuddles for the camera and indulging my need to move onto the next awesome location so eagerly! Laura & Carter are due to be married in March 2020 and I simply cannot wait.

This was maybe the quickest preview I have put together because I feel like I love each and every photo!  Laura & Carter thanks for being so awesome, here is a snippet of many more to come!